Sunday, March 25, 2007


I've almost reached 1000 posts on the SA forums. That is an awful lot of posts! I was thinking about hanging up the guns once I reached 1000. The community has become important to me. I find myself talking about the conversations in there to my wife all of the time. She thinks I'm addicted. I think I am, but not to SA, but to the idea of freedom.

My wife and I went to the Wild Hogs movie yesterday afternoon. Even though I knew how it was going to end 10 mintes after it started I enjoyed the movie immensely. Because I know of the empty feeling the gang felt, and I know of the SamSara joy that comes with the open road. For me a sailboat is my HOG. It is a time when I am in the moment. Aware of everything. The wind, the waves, the smells, the gurgle sounds... all revealing secrets.... of speed and insights into myself somehow. It's almost like meditation I would imagine.

The forum represents a group of people who share a reverence for this bridge to transendance. I've argued, and asked questions, and somehow managed to offend a couple of sailors... just like real life. I tend to be a bit "polar"

1000 posts would be a good place to stop. Maybe... I could take that time and build a trimaran.

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