Sunday, April 8, 2007

New Zealand needs Me!

It turns out New Zealand has a shortage of Chemists! It would actually be easier to emigrate than I thought! My gal doesn't like when I talk of such flights of fancy, because of the scaryness change brings to our ostensibly orderly life. I feel like a plant without a pot, Oats without Hall, Spongebob without the squarepants! Does it hurt to look further into the logistics of immigration? It may. But this pirate is ready for the open sea. Life doesn't come with the solutions manual... unless I join a cult..... I'm just going to have to figure out this one on my own...

Saw my 1 year old nephew over easter. I don't have any kids... This little guy is my younger brother's first. My brother can't wait until he is old enough to race on a Melges 17. Considering how quickly the last year seemed to pass... it won't be long. Happy Easter Evan! Danny will teach you how to sail that scow... just make him trim... you steer!


Kiwi Brooksie said...

Not to play devil's advocate here, but you should jump at the chance to emigrate to New Zealand... if only for a little while. I did it just under a year ago and have loved it here. Best thing I've ever done in my life. Perhaps you and your girl should plan a trip here first just to scout it out, but you're lucky to be on the occupation shortage list so take full advantage of it! Cheers, Brooksie

"Raps" said...

I think I'm going to go a head and approach on of those NZ placement agencies and see what happens... What do I have to loose?