Saturday, April 7, 2007


The Onion magazine reported Odin is down to 4 worshipers! Where have all of the vikings gone? I thought Minnesota was full of them! Must be fair weather fans! I like vikings even though I'm a packer fan. Ahh the Packers. What about ODIN? Maybe he just needs new marketing. An informercial, a web presence... and perhaps he should plunder a bit more. He could sponser an america's cup boat!

1 comment:

Tillerman said...

We just need to get the word out about Pascal's Wager as applied to the Norse gods.

You may as well believe in Odin because if you do and he's not a real god you have lost nothing. But if you don't worship him and it turns out that he is real then you will be condmened to spend eternity as a Northumberland monk being raped and pillage by Vikings in the underworld.